공지사항 1 페이지

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Total 16건 1 페이지
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    04122023 Publish on April 14,2023나성북부교회
    Hello parents, I forgot to mention that Teacher Judy will be translating in Korean for anyone who would like a Korean translator during the conference. Thank you! 회의 기간 동안 한국어 번역가를 원하는 사람을 위해 Judy 선생님이 한국어로 번역할 것이라고 언급하는 것을 잊었습니다. 감사합니다!You can sign up on this sheet: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1vfEQj9m5f2UDc6g5ndKEwSfFnRQ-ddzqZc5I3W_0T78/edit?usp=sharing
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    02262023 Publish on February 28,2023kcnla
    Good morning parents, Today, we will be having joint service with the EM in the Faith Chapel @ 11:00am! Please have your children sit with you or have then sit with the teachers during service! We hope to see you all there and worship the LORD! 좋은 아침입니다 부모님,오늘 오전 11시에 Faith Chapel에서 EM과 합동예배를 드립니다!  아이들이 함께 앉거나 예배시간에 선생님들과 함께 앉게 해주세요!  우리는 그곳에서 여러분 모두를 보고 주님을 경배하기를 바랍니다!
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    10232022 Publish on October 23,2022나성북부교회
    Hello parents, Today, the students will learn about the prophetess and judge Deborah, who God used to empower the Israelite General to fight against the Canaanite army. The general insisted that Deborah come with the army so Deborah courageously went into battle with the army and God helped the army defeat the Canaanite army with rain storms to stop the enemies’ iron chariots! Sometimes God calls us to do the impossible, but when he does he will make it possible! Here is a recap video you guys can use to review the story: https://youtu.be/I137DiB3vN8 학부모님, 안녕하세요. 오늘 학생들은 하나님께서 이스라엘 장군에게 가나안 군대와 싸울 수 있도록 권한을 주셨던 여선지자와 사사 드보라에 대해 배우게 될 것입니다. 장군은 드보라가 군대와 함께 가자고 하여 드보라가 과감히 군대와 맞서 싸웠고, 하나님은 그 군대가 폭풍우로 가나안 군대를 물리쳐 적의 철병거를 막도록 도우셨습니다! 때때로 하나님은 불가능한 일을 하라고 우리에게 부르시지만, 그렇게 하실 때 하나님은 가능하게 하실 것입니다! 다음은 이야기를 검토하는 데 사용할 수 있는 요약 동영상입니다. https://youtu.be/I137DiB3vN8
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    10192022 Publish on October 23,2022나성북부교회
    Happy Wednesday parents! Here are some reminders: - Hallelujah night: Monday, October 31st @ 6pm-8pm at Faith Harvest Church - Less than two weeks away! Please sign up as soon as possible for dinner count! Sign up here: https://forms.gle/NsrFHiT2cHsz9dfV9 - Weekly bible reading: Please video record your child reading Judges 2:2-3 and discuss about it - Discussion questions: How did the Israelites disobey God? What was the consequence of their sin? Why does God hate sin? 알림: - 할렐루야의 밤: 10월 31일 월요일 오후 6시-8시 Faith Harvest Church에서 있습니다. - 2주도 채 남지 않았습니다! 디너 카운트를 위해 가능한 한 빨리 등록하십시오! 여기에서 가입: https://forms.gle/NsrFHiT2cHsz9dfV9 - 주간 성경 읽기: 자녀가 사사기 2:2-3을 읽는 것을 영상으로 녹화하여 토론하십시오. - 토론 질문: 이스라엘 사람들은 어떻게 하나님께 불순종했는가? 그들의 죄의 결과는 무엇이었습니까? 하나님은 왜 죄를 미워하시는가?
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    100222 Publish on October 02,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, Today, we are covering the end of Joshua’s life as he declares his final word and challenge to the people of Israel. He tells them to obey the law given to Moses and to flee from other idols. He challenges them to keep faithful to God because God has been faithful to them and shown them countless miracles. I will challenge your children to use the Bible as their way to be strong and courageous in this tricky world. Here is a recap video you guys can use to review the story: 좋은 아침 부모님, 오늘 우리는 여호수아가 이스라엘 백성에게 마지막 말과 도전을 선언하면서 그의 삶의 마지막을 다루고 있습니다. 모세에게 주어진 율법을 지키고 다른 우상을 피하라고 합니다. 그는 하나님이 그들에게 신실하셨고 셀 수 없는 기적을 보여주셨기 때문에 하나님께 신실하도록 도전합니다. 나는 당신의 자녀들이 이 험난한 세상에서 강하고 용감한 방법으로 성경을 사용하도록 도전할 것입니다. 다음은 이야기를 검토하는 데 사용할 수 있는 요약 동영상입니다. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkHFZZTmUVM
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    092722 Publish on October 02,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, Today, is our joint service with the EM!! Please have your child in the Faith Chapel @11am. The teachers and I will save seats for your children! Food will also be provided by the EM! Have a great Sunday! ALSO, HALLELUJAH NIGHT IS A GO!! It will be on Monday, October 31st @6pm-8pm @ faith harvest. Dinner will be served and there will be Bible teaching and fun arcade games as well! If you and your child(ren) are interested, please fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvpbhMI3D95lqwujkwiEh7l7VtUg9NIJ4cfO5tieUhYCG1xQ/viewform?usp=sf_link 또한 할렐루야의 밤은 GO!! 10월 31일 월요일 오후 6시-8시 @ 믿음의 수확에 있습니다. 저녁 식사가 제공되며 성경 교육과 재미있는 아케이드 게임도 있습니다! 귀하와 귀하의 자녀(들)이 관심이 있는 경우 다음 양식을 작성하십시오. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdvpbhMI3D95lqwujkwiEh7l7VtUg9NIJ4cfO5tieUhYCG1xQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
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    091122 Publish on September 18,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, Today, we are learning about how God defeated the city of Jericho with his power and used Rahab for his master plan. He also spared Rahab and her family from destruction like the city of Jericho because she trusted in God. Ultimately, this story points to Jesus the ultimate savior who spared his own life to save many for those who trust in his name. Here is a recap video that you can use to review with your children about the story that we learned today. 
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    090422 Publish on September 18,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, I hope you are having a great weekend! Today, we will be discussing a passage in 2 Timothy 3, where Paul writes a letter to Timothy reminding him of the truth of the gospel and encouraging him to continue preaching the truth in the face of opposition. Paul also mentions how the word is God breathed and is useful for many purposes! Here is a video that you can use to review the story: 
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    08212022 Publish on August 21,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, Today, we will be reading about Joshua and how God stops the Jordan river so the Israelites can cross over to the land of Canaan (Joshua 3-4). This shows the people that God can be trusted and that he is with them. Later, God tells them to gather 12 stones from the river to be a memorial of God’s faithfulness when their children would ask about the stones. Here is a video that you can use to review the story with your children:
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    081422 Publish on August 14,2022나성북부교회
    Good Morning parents, Today, we will be going over the book of Joshua and how after 40 years for wandering and Moses death, God chooses Joshua to lead his people to the promised land. God encourages Joshua to be strong and courageous because he is with him and to rely on the word, which is his source of strength! Here is a recap video that you can use to discuss further with your children: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC0WVa8eAOsHave a great day!
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    080722 Publish on August 07,2022나성북부교회
    Good Morning parents, It is good to be back with your children!!Today, we will be in the book of 1 Peter and we will learning about how God is holy and set apart from this world. God saved us to be his children, but as his children we need to be holy. We will discuss how we can obey Christ’s call and the eternal power of the word of God. Here is a video that recaps what we will learn today: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtzF69zRBJ4
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    06122022 Publish on June 12,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning parents, Happy Sunday! Today, we will be covering the Israelite’s sin of creating a golden calf (their own god). God gets really angry with the but Moses mediates the situation and asks God to remember his covenant with his people. Moses asks for forgiveness and God responds with forgiveness but also reminds his people that he will punish wrong doing. Lastly, we see Christ today through Moses as the true mediator between man and God who pleads with God every time we sin. Here is a video for the students this week to go over:
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  • 4
    Hello parents, This is just a recap of our PTA meeting yeste… Publish on June 10,2022나성북부교회
    Hello parents, This is just a recap of our PTA meeting yesterday: 1. VBS (June 23-25th)2. Graduation service on Sunday, June 12th for Chloe Park (5th grade)- Transition service in August before school starts 3. Joint service at the park at Sunday, June 26th @ 11am- Please bring your child at 10:30 if a ride is needed.- we will be back at 2:30 or child can be picked up at park4. Director Kevin’s mission trip for the month of JulyHere is the PowerPoint from yesterday with the VBS decoration dates coming up and my mission letter as well! Thank you! Have a great Monday night. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NH9WwWz9ojrpH84aY24MiByWBEhPtGacZv-sc8psI9M/edit
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    052922 Publish on May 28,2022나성북부교회
    Hello parents, I hope your week is filled with God’s love and grace this week! God loves you all! This Sunday, we are having joint service with the EM ministry so your kids can join worship with you! If you can’t make the service or do not regularly attend the service, the teachers and I will save a row for the students in the sanctuary so that they can sit with us. Service starts @ 11am in the main sanctuary and food will be provided by the EM! Have a great rest of your week! 
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    04242022 Announcement Publish on April 24,2022kcnla
    Good morning parents! I hope you all had a great week! I wanted to send a reminder that there will be no CM service this Sunday because we will be having a joint service with the EM in the Faith Chapel @11 AM! Students can either join their parents for service or sit with me and the teachers! Have a great Saturday! 
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    04162022 announcement Publish on April 17,2022나성북부교회
    Good morning everyone! Happy Easter Sunday! He is risen. Today, we will be covering the resurrection story and what it means for us. We will also be identifying how the emotions of the disciples changed from when Jesus died to when he rose again and how we as believers today should be extremely happy and joyful! Hey parents!! Here is a video of what we talked about last week with Job https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bDJLImDx3Fg
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